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SEL Number: 17WC-00-PROP
Title: Parts, Replacement, Watercraft Propulsion Systems

Last Updated: 12/22/2024 11:55:06 AM

Previous SEL Number: 17WC-00-PROP

Description: Includes materiel required for maintenance and repair of propulsion systems, including engines, motors, transmissions, screws, and propulsors, as well as related parts, accessories, and components necessary to maintain operational capabilities of watercraft.

ImportantFeatures: Ideally, parts would be identical "plug and play" replacements.

Operating Considerations: Consider warranty implications if the craft is under a warranty/maintenance contract. Contract may be impacted by use of parts that are not approved by manufacturer,
If upgrading performance, consider impact on safety/handling.
If changing brand/size of engine/motor, ensure compatibility with electrical system and requirements for fuel/oil connecting lines.
For new reciprocating engines, ensure that any break-in requirements are met - some engines require a specific number of break-in hours using a different lubricant prior to commencing normal operation.
Consider any training requirements for handling characteristics or engine/motor operation.

Training Requirements: Per manufacturers recommendations.
Initial Training: Minimal (<1 day)
Sustainment Training: Minimal (<1 day)

Mandatory Standards:

Applicable Standards and References: