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SEL Number: 20CS-02-UVLT
Title: Equipment, Alternate Light Source Detection

Last Updated: 7/9/2022 1:23:31 PM

Previous SEL Number: 20CS-02-UVLT

Description: Crime scene processing equipment utilizing various frequencies of light (such as ultraviolet, near-infrared, etc.) to identify fingerprints, gunshot residue, blood spatter, and other trace evidence. Light source may be laser or incandescent.

ImportantFeatures: Usually consists of the light itself (such as a laser or incandescent bulb), a filter or combination of filters that enable all but the selected wavelengths of light to be screened out, a device to deliver the light to the area being examined, and appropriate viewing accessories (such as protective goggles, if the wavelengths of light being used are potentially harmful, or goggles equipped with a filter to further screen the incoming light).
For field use units should be handheld, impact-resistant, and waterproof.

Operating Considerations: Consider eye safety issues for on-site personnel. Consider power consumption, and allow for appropriate battery supply for field teams. Ensure that proper protocols are in place for evidence capture and admissibility.

Training Requirements: Core Training: NFPA 470 Chapter 8 as applicable.
Initial Training: Moderate (1-2 days)
Sustainment Training: Minimal (<1 day)

Mandatory Standards:

Applicable Standards and References:

  • Forensic Technician
  • REL: Full Canadian Recommended Equipment List
  • REL: LOS-1, Multi-Agency Intervention
  • REL: LOS-2, Scout/Reconnaissance Mission