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SEL Number:
System, UAS Detection and Tracking
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Last Updated:
9/22/2020 1:43:00 PM
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Fixed or portable systems that can detect the presence of unmanned aircraft systems, and track them in flight. May have additional capability such as identification of type or identification friend or foe (IFF). May also have capability to locate associated control station.
May use RF detection, radar, or a combination of technologies.
Effective range may vary with the size of the UAS vehicle.
Ability to detect base station as well as aircraft.
Operating Considerations:
Proprietary branded systems may only detect specific OEM products. Check breadth of detection capability before purchase.
Open systems have the ability to detect multi brand products and rely on multiple technologies (radar, thermal, optic, aural, and wireless signature).
Fixed-wing UAS can be more difficult to detect and track because of high speed, high altitude, and multiple targets / swarms.
Note that micro and autonomous flight UAS can be more difficult to detect because of weaker signatures.
Training Requirements:
Per manufacturer's specifications
Initial Training: Minimal (<1 day)
Sustainment Training: Minimal (<1 day)
Mandatory Standards:
Applicable Standards and References:
FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FMRA), Sections 331-336